Advertise with Fish Informer

Advertising works! Especially when you reach the right target group. With over 1,000+ visitors on our website, Fish Informer is one of the largest blogs in the USA & worldwide. With our specialized website we offer the ideal platform for Fish and product related advertisements. They also visit our blog for inspiration and to discover new things about Fishes.

Fish Informer is not only a very nice environment for the reader, but also for the advertiser. We offer advertisers different possibilities to show their campaign to our general public. For example, there is the possibility to place related advertorials (whether or not written by our own writers) and to purchase advertising space. In addition, we offer, with the help of our in-house content marketers, the unique opportunity to launch a customized marketing campaign among our visitors. Do you want to know more about our advertising options and rates? Fill in the contact form. We strive to answer your questions and / or comments within two business days.

Advertising possibilities

– Blog posts
– Banners / landing pages: (728×90), (300×600) (300×250), (320×50), (320×100) (300×50), (300×100) pixels

It is also possible to develop a customized approach to advertising. If the aforementioned advertising options do not match your strategy, please contact us. We are happy to think along with you!