Are Fish Hard To Take Care Of? [8 Tips]
Are you planning on keeping a pet fish but aren’t sure whether or not it would make the best pet for you? It doesn’t matter what kind of fish you are planning to keep, and there are certain fish care tips you should know before going for this hobby. Once you have made up your plan, do your research about the type of fish you intend to have and the individual requirements of each of them. This article will help you find answers to all the most asked concerns, like whether or not fish are hard to take care of. This will help you determine if fish is really the right pet for you or not.
Are Fish A High Maintenance Pet?
Generally speaking, freshwater fish are pretty affordable and easy to take care of than the rest of the pets. This leads to the concept that fish are not that hard to care for. While fish create less mess than other pet animals, this is not something which makes them low maintenance pets. Fish also have the basic water requirements, a portion of nutritious food, and a properly secure habitat. But because fish live in an entirely different environment than humans and mammals, they depend upon us to provide them with all they need to live happily.
Although we encourage proper grooming for pets, dogs and cats do not die if they are not washed regularly. Regular cleaning is a must to keep your pet healthy and safe from possible diseases. Once you have decided which species of freshwater fish you will keep, you can easily determine which type of aquarium will be appropriate according to your need and how much care it will need.
How to Take Good Care Of Fish? – 8 Tips
If you have made up your mind to bring aquatic life into your home or office, the best way to prepare for this hobby is to set up your tank properly. This, plus anticipating what ongoing work will be needed to get done, will help set you and your tank up for success. Maintaining a tank can be super easy and hassle-free, as long as you follow the right steps. To start, follow the given steps.
1. Choose the right Fish-tank
The size of a tank you will need depends upon the types of fish you have decided to keep. It can be either a saltwater fish, freshwater fish or an individual species. The size of the aquarium also depends upon how many fish you plan to bring home. Fish aquarium sizes range from a desktop tank (mostly to keep a single Betta fish) to a large aquarium that is spacious enough to house multiple fishes. It is also important to pay a little attention to the habitat before welcoming any aquatic pet into your home. Overcrowding of aquatic animals in a tank can lead to reduced oxygen levels in the water. It causes excess accumulation of wastes and, in severe cases, can be fatal for fish.
We suggest you pay a visit to your nearest local pet store to get a piece of advice on the size of the aquarium depending upon the type of fish you want to keep and the space availability.
2. Set up the required tank water conditions
Different types of aquatic animals require different tank conditions. A proper environment is important for any underwater creature to survive. Before setting up a fish aquarium, we should consider a few factors mentioned below.
3. Stabilization of water temperature
Changes in tank water temperature can also wreak havoc on aquatic animals, so never place your aquarium near an area that gets a lot of suns (like a window) or next to a heater or air vents that can cause quick changes in the water temperatures. Tropical freshwater fish usually need a constant temperature range of 72 °F – 82 °F. This optimal temperature depends upon the species. An aquatic heater will be very helpful in maintaining the proper temperature.
4. Maintenance of pH levels
pH level is an indicator of alkalinity or acidity of the aquarium water. To check the tank’s pH levels, buy a pH test kit. 6.8 to 7.5 is the range within which freshwater fish usually thrive. This range offers them a natural environment to resist illness. As a new fish parent, you need to keep a strict check on any fluctuations in the pH level of the tank water. Make required changes to recalibrate. This care is necessary as any change in the pH level greater than 0.3 in a 24-hour duration can make a fish susceptible to different diseases and stress.
5. Water conditioning
Tap water has its own set of properties which need to be balanced in a tank for the survival of aquatic animals. You can use a biological aquarium supplement and a water conditioner or dechlorinating agent to condition water properly.
6. Preparations for Proper Fish Maintenance
A regular check on the tank conditions is a good start for proper maintenance. However, there are certain things, including regular cleanings, which you should take care of.
Once a month, make a schedule of replacing 25 per cent of the total tank water. It helps keep aquarium water clean and maintains nitrate concentrations within a safe range. A gravel vacuum can wipe debris out of water. Keep a strict on the algae buildup as well. It may appear as the clouds on tank walls or cause water to look murky. It leads to low oxygen concentrations in the tank water. You can use an aquarium algae magnet or a tank scrub brush to clean algae buildups in your tank.
7. Aquarium Acclimation
Aquatic animals are very sensitive to any environmental changes. So, ask store partners about ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and pH levels. Once you get your aquatic pets home, float the sealed bag containing them in your tank for at least the first 15 minutes. It makes them get used to a new habitat. After this, open the bag’s seal and gradually add a quarter cup of the tank water. You have to repeat the same process of adding a quarter cup of the tank every 5 minutes until the fish bag is filled. It slowly brings the chemistry and temperature together, enabling the newly welcomed aquatic pets to get used to their home without being shocked by sudden changes in a new environment and water conditions.
In the final step, remove the fish bag from the tank and gradually pour off as much water as possible to avoid exposure of fish to the air. Lower the bag in the tank to let your aquatic pets enter their new home.
8. Observation of aquatic life
Regularly, take out a bit of time to observe your aquatic family. Watch for any changes in their behaviour, appetite or appearance so that you immediately notice anything that is missing.
With a little forethought and planning, you can easily set up a well-managed tank before bringing your aquatic family home. After this, only with a bit of time and proper maintenance will you enjoy many hours of your aquatic pets swimming in their glorious new home.
5 Fish That Are Super Easy To Take Care Of
Of course, you can find different fish for your aquarium that is easy to take care of out of so many species, but here are some of my favourites.
1. Goldfish
Goldfish are one of the low-maintenance fish which come in different varieties. Although they can get bigger than their neighbours and require a big tank, tank size has nothing to do with their maintenance. They are easy to take care of as you can feed them with goldfish food.
2. Bloodfin Tetras
Bloodfin Tetras are small fish and prefer to live in groups. They have silver colouration and are easy to take care of. Tetras are brilliantly resilient in nature and stay unaffected during changes in the water conditions. They can even live up to 10 years without much maintenance.
3. White Cloud Minnows
These are yet another cold-water fish which do not require much maintenance. They do fine in water temperatures as cool as 60 degrees Fahrenheit and as hot as 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It means water conditions control is not a big issue with these guys.
4. Danios
One of the most beautiful fish you can get for your tank, Zebra Danios should be your pick if you are looking for low maintenance fish. They are warm-water fish which means that you will need a heater and thermometer to keep them nicely warm.
5. Betta Fish
Bettas are one of the easiest fish you can welcome into your aquatic family. One of their noticeable traits is their aggressiveness towards fellows Bettas and other species. Therefore, we suggest you keep them in a separate tank.
Fish are one of the easiest pets you can have. Despite this, there are certain maintenance requirements to keep them clean and healthy. We need to devote our time to our aquatic family to observe any changes in their behaviour or appetite. Bettas, Goldfish and Zebra Danios should be your pick if you are a beginner fish-keeper and low maintenance fish are your priority.